East of England Community Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (FCAMHS)
Information for Professionals
We hope this page is helpful to find what you need, as this is still a new service, we will be adding resources to this page over time.
If you are concerned regarding a child or young people, please see our information for professionals here. If you need to make a referral please fill in this referral form - FCAMHS Blank Referral Form.doc [doc] 152KB - and send back to: cpm-tr.FCAMHS@nhs.net.
If you are still unsure if a referral is the right approach please feel free to contact us via phone or email and we will be happy to ensure that you receive further advice.
Please feel free to view and share the information for professionals here. If you cannot find the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact us.
There are also other leaflets available that have been designed to provide the FCAMHS service information to targeted audiences, these are:
- East of England Community Forensic CAMHS: Information for families and carers
- East of England Community Forensic CAMHS: Information for children and young people
- FCAMHS Leaflet - Easy Read.pdf [pdf] 888KB
Information sharing
Please see our Privacy Policy and Information Sharing Statement for further information regarding information sharing.
Stakeholder event presentation
In Oct/Nov FCAMHS held four stakeholders events across the East Of England to engage with our partners and learn from them as well as provide them with the details of our service, the presentation is an amended version from after the event and includes brief feedback from those who attended the event.
Training matrix
Information regarding any upcoming training will be added here once available.