Local CPFT patient referrals
Referrals are accepted for any patients registered with a GP within the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough locality.
This form guides you through all of the essential information required for the team to triage the referral. Please complete as much of the information as possible to ensure it is processed promptly, however if you are concerned that the individual is high risk do not wait for information like blood results before making the referral, forward these on afterwards.
We aim to assess urgent referrals within two weeks of referral and non urgent referrals within eight weeks. Once the patient has been assessed a decision is made regarding the best care for the patient. If the patient is suffering from a moderate or severe eating disorder then most likely outcome will be to be put on the outpatient treatment waiting list. Occasionally day-patient or inpatient treatment may be recommended.
National inpatient referrals
The service accepts referrals for adult women and men suffering from anorexia nervosa, and severe bulimia nervosa for inpatient treatment. These referrals are likely to be mainly from the East of England, but referrals from anywhere in England are accepted.
We accept national referrals from any healthcare professional. This is usually from an eating disorder service or mental health team local to where the patient lives. If you are unsure whether a referral is appropriate, need to discuss a referral or require urgent advice please ring to talk to a senior member of the team via the following:
T: 01223 596201 | E
For advice about funding arrangements, call 01223 596201.
Please send referrals to:
E: | F: 01223 257153
We will respond to referrals within one working day. Wherever possible we will offer assessment prior to admission but if someone requires urgent admission due to high clinical risk admission can be arranged without prior assessment.