Contacting the CPFT Communications Team

To get in touch with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust Communications Team contact:
The team is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 

Press and media information
We always aim to reply quickly to your enquiries about CPFT and any requests for interviews. In all cases, patient confidentiality is of the utmost importance. We have a duty to protect the confidentiality of our service users and carers. No patient information will be shared with the media unless valid consent has been obtained. We will not divulge any information about a patient unless we are given permission from the individual of their next of kin or carer.

Photography and filming
CPFT often receives requests from the media to photograph or film on Trust premises or capture service user or staff interviews. No photography or filming is allowed on Trust premises without the authorisation of the Communications Team. CPFT has a duty to protect patient and staff confidentiality. All requests for interviewing, photographing or filming patients must be made through the Communications Team. If media filming/photography is taking place around the Trust, the outside agency must be accompanied by a member of the Communications Team or a senior manager. If filming or photography is taking place in an in-patient environment, such as a ward, rigorous infection control procedures must be adhered to. The media agency must obtain written consent from any member of staff or patient before filming/photographing.

Media guidelines for the reporting of suicide
A fine line remains between sensitive, intelligent reporting and sensationalising the issue of suicide. But the sensitive reporting of suicide and self-harm incidents means the media can: Offer advice for both people at risk and also worried families and friends.
Provide contact information for support services, to encourage people at risk to seek help at an earlier stage.
Raise awareness of the complexity of the issues surrounding suicide.
The Samaritans has produced extremely useful media guidelines aimed at those reporting suicide in any media, from factual description to dramatic portrayal. If you work in the media, we would advise you to read the guidelines as it will ensure the quality of reporting and portrayal on this important and sensitive topic is of a high standard.

As a patient

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust