Resources for families, friends and carers

Included in this section are information and resources to help family members, friends and carers to understand self harm and, how they can provide support to somebody who is self harming. Some of the resources are written for people who may them selves be self harming or who's friends are self harming. 

Coping with self harm: a guide for parents and carers:  coping-with-self-harm-brochure_final_copyright.pdf [pdf] 547KB

Self harm: parents and carers  SF2983 - Self-Harm - Parents & Carers v5.pdf [pdf] 239KB

Self help self harm booklet  Self-Help Self-Harm booklet (DIGITAL VERSION).pdf [pdf] 187KB

Self harm advice and support if you or a friend, are self harming SF3191 - Self-Harm - Young People - Z Card 10pp v7.pdf [pdf] 6MB

Information and resources about self harm for children and young people with learning disabilities can be found at the Council for Disabled children

Understanding self harm - online resources and support

Harmless provide support, information, training and consultancy about self harm to individuals who self harm, their friends, families and professionals with a view to promoting health and recovery, reducing isolation and distress, and by increasing awareness and skill in intervention. They have a helpful resource hub which includes information for people who self harm, their families and carers and professionals . 

Selfharm provides free online support groups (Alumina) run by trained youth workers and counsellors for people aged between 14 and 19 who self harm. 

Lifesigns is a self injury guidance and network support organisation for people who self harm, their family and for healthcare professionals. 

As a patient

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust