A celebration of apples at Darwin Nurseries ‘Apple Day’

Darwin Nurseries, run by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust yesterday
(24 Oct) welcomed members of the public and staff to celebrate all things ‘apple’ at their annual Apple Day celebration.
Based in Fulbourn, Cambridge, the Darwin nurseries provides supported day care services for people with learning disabilities and mental health challenges.
This year’s apple day was bigger than ever before with apple pressing, apple tasting, live music, food stalls and animal experiences on offer. Several hundred families attended throughout the day for the perfect mix of half-term activities.
Sandie Cain, Manager at Darwin Nurseries said: “We’ve had such an incredible day. Thank you to all the members of the public who have come down to visit us. We have so much to offer here at Darwin Nurseries and our Annual Apple Day is such a fantastic opportunity to showcase the work that we do. If ever you are driving by, please do stop in and visit our farm shop, or come and see our on-site goats, rabbits, and resident pigs. We’re a hidden gem on the edge of Cambridge.”
Notes for editors
1. About Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT)
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) is a health and social care organisation, providing integrated community, mental health and learning disability services, across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and children’s community services in Peterborough.
We support a population of just under a million people and employ nearly 4500 staff. Our largest bases are at the Cavell Centre, Peterborough, and Fulbourn Hospital, Cambridge, but our staff are based in over 50 locations. We are a University of Cambridge Teaching Trust and member of Cambridge University Health Partners, working together with the University of Cambridge Clinical School and Anglia Ruskin University. Together with global, national, and local partners we conduct high-quality and ground-breaking research into mental and physical health and support innovation to improve patient care.
To find out more about Head to Toe Charity, how to support fundraising events, or donate please visit: www.cpft.nhs.uk/ourcharity.
2. About Darwin Nurseries
Darwin Nurseries is a horticulture project and farm shop where adults with learning disabilities and mental health challenges gain the skills, independence, and confidence to take an active role in the community.
Everything they do is about empowering and enabling co-workers to achieve their personal goals and explore their potential.
For more information please contact:
Mark Cole
Communications and Engagement Manager
M 07790 558325