Competition: Help us to design a special bravery badge

Competition: We need your help to design a special logo
Our Minor Injury Units (MIUs) at Doddington, Ely and Wisbech are calling for help in designing a special logo that we can use on badges to present to all the brave children who have to attend our units.
Every year, hundreds of children come to our MIUs with all sorts of problems.
You may have sprained your ankle playing football. Maybe you got stung by a bee and it’s made you feel ill. You may have got a nasty cut whilst playing in the park.
Whatever your reason, it can feel very scary going to our MIU. But when you get there, that scared feeling starts to go away because the nurses and paramedics are brilliant at their job and get you patched up. Your health bars fill up in no time after a visit!
We are always impressed by your bravery, so we would like to present a special bravery badge and certificate to any children we see.
The problem is - we don’t have a design. And this is where we need your help. If you are aged between 4 and 16, we’d like you to draw a design that we can use for our new badge and certificate. You can do this by hand, or on a computer - whichever is easier.
Once you’ve drawn your design, e-mail it over to by 31 August 2022 and we’ll let you know if you’re a winner!
Get those designs in, Superheroes!
Thank you to CPFT's Head to Toe Charity for kindly sponsoring this competition. Click here to find out more about what our charity does.