New Governors welcomed to CPFT | News

New Governors welcomed to CPFT

Eleven people have been elected to the Council of Governors at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.

Four of them - Keith Grimwade, who has been the Trust’s Lead Governor since 2018, Jo Griffin, Kripa Dwarakanath and Nora O’Shea – were successfully re-elected while the other seven,  Pamela Blades, Andrea Hill, Sarah Jordan, Jeremy Johnson, Richard Shorrocks, Maureen Stygall and Christopher Thornhill have been welcomed to the Trust for the first time.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust provides community health care for older people and those with long-term conditions and mental health care for adults and children.

Governors represent the views of service-users, carers, staff and the public and help shape the work of the Trust. They are voluntary roles and Governors are each elected for a three-year term.

Lead Governor Keith Grimwade (pictured) said: “I would like to welcome all of our new governors. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds with many different experiences and skills, but crucially they are committed to sharing the views of everyone they represent and continuing to help improve the services provided by CPFT and healthcare overall in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

“I would also like to extend my thanks to Margaret Johnson who has retired as a governor after nine years representing the views of people in Cambridgeshire and on a personal note, I am extremely grateful to everyone who re-elected me. I am honoured to continue in my role.”

Julie Spence, Chair of CPFT, said: “Governors are vital to our work and I thank them all for volunteering and stepping forward and dedicating their time at such an important time for our Trust, the local health system, and the NHS overall.”

The election to the Trust’s Council of Governors took place between 3 and 26 November. All Trust members, including more than 4,000 staff, were entitled to vote. 

The following people were elected: 

Public Peterborough constituency – representing the views of people living in Peterborough
Pamela Blades
Maureen Stygall

Service users Cambridgeshire constituency – representing the views of service-users in Cambridgeshire
Christopher Thornhill

Carers of service users constituency – representing the views of carers
Keith Grimwade
Jo Griffin

Public Cambridgeshire constituency – representing the views of people living in Cambridgeshire
Kripa Dwarakanath 
Sarah Jordan
Jeremy Johnson 
Andrea Hill 
Richard Shorrocks

Staff Governor constituency – representing the views of staff at CPFT
Nora O'Shea


For more information please contact:

Andy Burrows
Interim Deputy Head of Communications
T 01223 219467

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