Renowned artist creates stunning murals for young patients | News

Renowned artist creates stunning murals for young patients

The work of street artist Nathan Murdoch has attracted attention from people across the world.

Now he has turned his attention to the walls of the Child Development Centre run by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation.

Nathan and his Street Arts Hire team have created stunning murals on the walls of the CDC at the City Care Centre in Thorpe Road, Peterborough. Nathan was assisted by Adam O’Brian during the project.

The centre is where young people and their families attend for diagnosis and treatment of physical and mental health issues.

Funded by CPFT’s charity Head to Toe, the beautiful images and bright colours will calm young people when they attend the Child Development Centre and prove to be a very useful visual distraction.

Specialist Speech and Language Therapy Assistant Kathy Lambourn, who helped organised the project, said: “As a team at the Child Development Centre, we felt that we wanted to create a more positive experience for the children and families who visit the Centre to help them feel relaxed and welcome.

“We feel they deserve an environment that is appealing with colourful, bright, interactive visual displays. This will help to distract and reduce their anxiety to help them relax prior to their appointment.”

Head to Toe, which supports projects which benefit patients, service-users, carers, and staff, used funds donated to it by NHS Charities Together to commission Nathan and his team.

Charity manager Hannah Wysocki said: “The final results are stunning – we can’t thank Nathan, Adam and Street Arts Hire enough.

“The murals will not only brighten the day of young people and their parents, but also our teams who work at the centre. 

“Our staff continue to do remarkable work throughout the pandemic and Head to Toe is proud to continue to support their incredible efforts.”

Nathan’s street art drew worldwide attention last year. A design of two hands joined together to create a heart shape - painted in an underpass in Millfield in Peterborough in November 2019 – drew global attention following the death of George Floyd in America in May 2020.

Another Peterborough mural painted by Nathan of The Prodigy singer Keith Flint in Peterborough has been viewed more than two million times on the artist’s website.

CPFT employs more than 4,000 staff who provide community physical healthcare for older people and those with long-term conditions, mental healthcare for children and adults, children’s health services in Peterborough, learning disability support and social care support.
To find out more about the Trust’s charity Head to Toe and to donate visit:


For more information contact:
Andy Burrows
Interim Deputy Head of Communications
T 01223 219467

For more information about Head to Toe contact:
Hannah Wysocki
Charity Manager
T 07970 400788

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