Statement: Trust appoints Aqua to conduct independent thematic suicide review | News

Statement: Trust appoints Aqua to conduct independent thematic suicide review

Picture of Elizabeth House, the headquarters of CPFT at Fulbourn Hospital in Cambridge

A thematic review of the suicides of patients who have died whilst under the care of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust will be conducted by leading improvement agency, Aqua.

Further announcements concerning the appointment of an independent Chair of the review will be announced in due course. The review is due to commence in February 2024.
Deputy Chief Executive John Webster said: “We can now confirm that Aqua have been appointed to conduct the independent thematic review into deaths by suicide.

“As we have previously shared, this review will not examine individual patient deaths but will take a thematic approach and look at the learnings we can take from these tragic incidents."

CPFT, which employs more than 4,500 staff, provides community physical health services for older people and adults with long term conditions, mental health services, children community services in Peterborough, social care and learning disability services. The Trust is also renowned for its research and development work.


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