Black History Month 2023

NHS staff at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) celebrated Black History Month 2023 at the Cavell Centre in Peterborough with a special event on October 19.
The event was hosted by CPFT Ethnic Minority Network chair, Fungai Chitakunye, and included a panel discussion and Q&A, lunch, stalls, music and dancing.
There were several guest speakers including Karen Daber, non-executive director who spoke about the importance of honouring the principles of equality, respect, and inclusion.
She said: "We acknowledge the resilience and achievements of black individuals throughout history, as well as the continued commitment of our black and international colleagues to the well-being of our community.
"As a non-executive director, I and many others play a vital role in ensuring that CPFT remains a place where every member of our team is valued and empowered."
The event was supported by Head to Toe Charity, the NHS charity for CPFT.
Laura Semple, fundraising and engagement lead for the charity, said: “We are so pleased to be part of celebrating the different cultures within CPFT and the wider communities that we serve. Black History Month not only provides an excellent opportunity to talk about the achievements of black people in Britain, but also for black history to be shared more widely in our communities and schools”.
The theme of Black History Month this year is 'Celebrating our Sisters, Saluting our Sisters, and Honouring Matriarchs of Movements'.