CPFT’s Head to Toe charity wins grant to provide additional support for end of life patients

Head to Toe – the official charity of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust – has been given funding to support patients receiving end of life care.
The grant is part of £2 million which has been given to a number of organisations by NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough to deliver projects to improve the health and wellbeing of local people through its Healthier Futures Fund.
Head to Toe – in conjunction with CPFT’s community nursing teams and volunteer services – has partnered with the Anne Robson Trust to devise the new initiative.
Called the Community Butterfly Service, volunteers will be recruited and trained to provide support to those who are receiving end of life care who may have few visitors or whose family and friends may need some respite support.
The Anne Robson Trust has more than 15 Butterfly Services across the country working within acute hospitals. The partnership with Head to Toe and CPFT will be the first time a Butterfly Service has been launched in the community, visiting people in their own homes.
The funding will enable the project to run for an initial three years, beginning with a pilot in Peterborough.
CPFT’s community nurses already provide end of life care and the Anne Robson Trust is a charity with expertise in working with volunteers who provide end of life support.
CPFT Chief Executive Anna Hills said: “I am delighted that Head to Toe has been awarded this grant.
“Having the opportunity to provide extra support to those receiving end of life care in the community will make a welcome difference to patients and their families.”
Hannah Wysocki, Head of Charity for Head to Toe (pictured), said “We are very proud to have been given this funding.
“As the charity of CPFT we are always looking for ways to help enhance the services the Trust’s teams provide.
“We know this partnership with our community nurses, voluntary services and the Anne Robson Trust will provide invaluable support and we are now really keen to move to the next step and begin recruiting volunteers to the Community Butterfly Service.”
NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough launched its Healthier Futures Fund in March.
Kit Connick, Chief Officer Strategy and Partnerships at NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, part of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System, said: “We’re delighted that through our Healthier Futures Fund we’re able to invest in the voluntary sector to support health delivery.
“Thanks to their strong links with local people, voluntary and community organisations, the sector can play an integral role in improving health and wellbeing.”
Anyone interested in finding out more about the Community Butterfly Service or volunteering can contact Head to Toe charity via charity@cpft.nhs.uk.
CPFT, which employs more than 4,500 staff, provides community physical health services for older people and adults with long term conditions, mental health services, children community services in Peterborough and learning disability services. The Trust is also renowned for its research and development work.
NHS organisations wishing to set up a team of end of life volunteers at their Trusts should contact info@annerobsontrust.org.uk.
For more information contact:
Andy Burrows
Deputy Head of Communications
E communications@cpft.nhs.uk