Self-help resources

The Liaison and Diversion Team is a specialist service which provides support for people with mental health challenges or vulnerabilities, who get caught up in the criminal justice system or are referred by the Police. They help and empower individuals to access the health or social care services they need to live safely and overcome their challenges.
Lucy Desborough is an Assistant Psychologist within the team and has been working on a new pilot project where the service offers mental health sessions as part of a court order. Lucy kept finding that many of her clients felt unsure of what to do when their sessions finished. To help with this, and to make sure her clients continued to progress, Lucy created an end of treatment self-help booklet that also provided information on the other services and charities available to help her clients with longer-term support.
Lucy said: "I'm really grateful that Head to Toe was able to provide funding for the professional printing of the mental health resources booklet. It means that clients are able to keep a source of support with them and can easily access information should they need it. I hope this booklet helps empower clients to look after their mental health in an accessible way.”