EMDR First Aid for Frontline Staff & Healthcare Workers

Are you feeling stressed, anxious or worried & having difficulty concentrating, unable to sleep and experiencing intrusive images or sounds together with over whelming emotions & bodily sensations due to work experiences related to COVID-19?


Clinical staff having a discussion

The Psychological Wellbeing Service (IAPT) offers a psychological first aid EMDR Early Intervention (EEI) delivered remotely, to help protect FRONTLINE STAFF & HEALTHCARE WORKERS from symptoms of acute stress disorder. These interventions are NOT therapy and can be offered within hours or days in which the person shows distress.

These techniques were specifically designed to reduce the negative impact of acute stress from recent and ongoing events during COVID-19 by focusing on stabilization, symptom reduction, and reprocessing of trauma memories.


Please make a Self-Referral by clicking HERE  & request EEI, we will contact you to offer an initial appointment to assess your needs or call us on 0300 300 0055.



As a patient

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust